Using AJAX Control Toolkit

AJAX Control Toolkit is a set of Controls with AJAX behavior that when used, enhance the Web experience. It can be downloaded from CodePlex. Install the toolkit and add it to the toolbar. Many of the Controls in toolkit are named as Control Extenders meaning that they add behavior to ASP.NET control. In the last post, we saw how to use AJAX in Web application. In this post, we add a Control from the AJAX Control Toolkit, namely “Confirm Button Extender” to the same application.

The Control Extender has a TargteControlId property, which in out case, we will say “Button1”

Adding ControlExtender to a Control, adds a set of properties to the Control.

Let us include a ConfirmText and run the application. You will see on clicking a Button, the Confirm text is displayed with OK and Cancel buttons. Clicking OK continues with the Button click event whereas Cancel cancels the click event.

Here is a list of Controls available in AJAX Control toolkit.

Check out the Live Samples for AJAX Control toolkit.

Update: 3 New Controls are added to the AJAX Control Toolkit in May 2009 Update.

  • HTML Editor – An editor widget that allows us to create and view HTML content.


  • Auto Complete Combobox – Combines the flexibility of a Textbox with a list of options to choose from.

  • ColorPicker – A color picker extender that can be attached to a Textbox to enable color picking at Client side using a popup window.