Supported Versions of Angular

Angular team upgrades a version every 6 months.

Here is the list of all supported angular versions:

Angular – Angular versioning and releases

As of today, angular 17 is in Active status and 16 is in LTS (Long Term Supported) status. 

It is always recommended to use the LTS version for production grade software applications. LTS version has less number of updates compared to Active version. Only Critical fixes and security patches are released and hence its easier to keep up with the latest patch version. 

Angular framework supports semantic versioning

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH,

  1. MAJOR version is incremented for a major change when you make incompatible API changes
  2. MINOR version is incremented when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
  3. PATCH version is incremented when you make backward compatible bug fixes

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