F# (F-Sharp Language)

F# is a functional Object Oriented programming language for .NET Framework. It was initially developed by Don syme in Microsoft Research. It will be distributed as a fully supported language in Visual Studio.NET. FSharp is a strongly typed language that uses type inference. FSharp includes a functional programming Component that supports Eager evaluation, an evaluation strategy in programming languages, where an expression is evaluated as soon as it is bound to variable. F# supports interactive scripting like Python.

F# is a pragmatically oriented variant of ML that shares a Core Language with OCaml.(Caml is a general-purpose programming language, that supports functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming styles. The Objective Caml system is the main implementation of the Caml language that features a powerful module system and a full-fledged object-oriented layer) Check out Somasegar’s Introduction to F# language.

F# September CTP (Community Technology Preview) is released. You may download it here. Don syme has a good Introductory post about F# September CTP. Check out the video from Scott hanselman here. An introductory tutorial on F# can be found here. F# language Specification gives more details on the Language constructs. You may download some samples on F# here. For more information, Go to F# Developer Center in MSDN.

Courtesy: Wiki, MSDN