.NET Framework Vs .NET core

We have seen various versions of .NET Framework and .NET Core in this post. The fundamental difference is .NET framework is supported only in Windows and .NET core is supported across platforms.

Over the years, each feature from .NET framework has been ported over to .NET Core. Once all the features are ported, there is no need to keep supporting both .NET Framework and .NET Core.

Hence after .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET Core 3.1, both Framework and Core merged to one single .NET 5.0. The below tree shows the same.

.NET Version tree

Hence after .NET 5.0 has no “core” or “framework” word in its name. .NET 5.0 and .NET 6.0 are supported for cross platform development.

.NET 6.0 is the first Long Term (multi year) supported version of the unified framework

Below is the support policy